Alika Hendricks
From: Alika Hendricks
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019
Subject: Important: Alika Hendricks for LAO Lawyers’ Local Vice-President
Dear colleague,
My name is Alika Hendricks, and I am running for the position of Local Vice-President of our LAO Lawyers’ union.
I am reaching out to you today to encourage you to participate in the future of our local by voting in the upcoming election on June 12th. Please visit the websites of both candidates ( and so that you can make an informed decision in selecting the right person for the job.
Both candidates in this election have a lot to offer. We've both worked long days and many nights to address issues facing our union's members. We've both made sacrifices. I have been involved with our union since 2012, in the early organizing days, when LAO refused to recognize our right to collectively bargain. I was on the bargaining team that secured our collective agreement, and I am currently a member of our Interim Local Committee. I have not always been in the spotlight, but I have been working behind the scenes on the issues that matter to our local, including drafting submissions to the Law Society of Ontario on behalf of our members on access to justice issues, and lobbying the government to reverse the cuts to Legal Aid by attending a meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs at Queen's Park. It has been an incredible journey, but I recognize that this election is not about me. It's about you.
Your job security.
Your health and safety.
Your income.
Your career.
In this election, you are the employer hiring the best applicant for the position of Local Vice-President. Your decision to vote for a candidate should be based on ensuring that the person you choose has the necessary soft skills to lead our team of elected representatives, including 2 Unit Directors and 12 Delegates across the province. In making your selection, I welcome you to review both candidates' "job applications" (candidate packages). Click here.
In reviewing my website you will see that my focus has been on conveying my strengths as a leader. I specifically sought the endorsement of other elected members of our union's Interim Local Committee, because those colleagues have a unique insiders' perspective on both candidates' leadership styles. They have seen both candidates in action behind closed doors, and have worked closely with us for the past two years. In my video endorsements, you will hear those colleagues speak up about what they feel I bring to the table. (Click here for video endorsements from members of your Interim Local Committee.)
It's important for you to know that I have worked with the other candidate in this race for many years. We are from the same office, we were hired the same year. We are currently both elected representatives on the Interim Local Committee, and have been involved in the governance of our local from its inception. Regardless of who you choose as Local Vice-President, we'll continue to work together. We make a good team.
So please vote. Vote for the applicant you believe will be able to lead the team of elected representatives who will serve our membership in the challenging times that lay ahead.
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions from members, please go to Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your consideration.
In solidarity,
Alika Hendricks
Local Vice President Candidate
Elected Representative, Interim Local Committee
LAO Lawyers' Local
Society of United Professionals
Toll-Free: 1-800-575-4142 Ext. 101